
Earning from streaming has never been easier. While there are streamers who have been in the field for a long time and have been able to establish a brand for themselves and earn a reasonable living, there are a slew of new streamers who have found it difficult to generate money even passively.

Metastream is a decentralized live streaming network and a player-centric environment for gamers, making live streaming entertaining and profitable by combining the exisiting play-to-earn approach with a stream-to-earn model. Paying out with fiat currencies like the US dollar contradicts the key underlying essential features of cryptocurrency, which is also a problem for gamers from third-world nations with poor USD conversion rates. Metastream will provide a haven where users may explore their choice of games, stream, and earn tradable NFTs and crypto as pay-outs from a variety of blockchain networks.

Dual Creator Revenue Model : Stream to earn + Play to earn

  • Crypto subscription Payouts and NFTs

  • Dual Creator Revenue Model : Stream to earn + Play to earn

  • User Profile and Gamification Achievements

  • Crypto subscription Payouts and NFTs

Last updated