Market Overview

Metastream combines the best of Entertainment & DeFi to connect gamers, GameFi projects, and Guilds by streaming.

Metastream is a model Gaming hub and platform that aspires to meet the needs of all gamers, viewers, and game creators. The platform is the world's first play-to-earn Live streaming platform and tournament organization with pay-outs in cryptocurrency and NFTs, allowing users to stream any GameFi project and be rewarded with our deflationary native tokens, and also access to an endless number of gaming and revenue options, including the ability to play-to-earn in one ecosystem and stream-to-earn in another simultaneously.

Our native token, $MTS will be used to offer a variety of incentives and used to conduct all transactions generally on the platform. We concentrated on the limitations plaguing the GameFi industry by proposing many features, one of it is our dedicated NFT marketplace, while there are other marketplaces for NFTs, none of them are properly and solely focused on gaming- Metastream is the first of its type open marketplace that achieves this.

Owing to the existing projects in the gaming industry that have long been exploiting gamers through unnecessary cuts and transactional charges, we present the first-ever platform that charges the lowest, almost negligible platform maintenance cost. Metastream also provides a game incubation platform for the ever-evolving gaming universe. We pave the way for new and talented game creators and entrants to enter the exciting GameFi world with credibility and gain the necessary outreach and user base much faster and more efficiently than possible with the current launch platforms available to them within the space.

Gaming & Blockchain

The video game industry is a massive industry growing at a breakneck pace. The worldwide gaming industry is presently valued at $178 billion and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 9.64 percent over the next five years to reach $314.40 billion by 2026.

The COVID-19 epidemic probably had an impact on these figures; when people were confined to their homes, games quickly became one of the most popular pastimes. According to Statista, time spent on video games surged by double digits across all areas by June 2020 (when most countries had enacted obligatory lockdowns across the globe).

Here are a couple of more noteworthy gaming trends:

-Cloud gaming is extremely popular;

-The number of smartphone gamers is increasing

-Interest in relatively new areas such as NFTs and blockchain games is exploding.

The search interest and volume for "gaming in the blockchain" has increased by 300-400% in the last year. Additionally, there has been an increase in public interest in blockchain-based games.

Blockchain technology, which was once solely used to power cryptocurrencies, has evolved into a game-changing technology that can be applied to a wide range of sectors, with each sector benefitting from at least four distinct characteristics provided by blockchain: decentralization, immutability, transparency, and better security. These characteristics have the potential to change the game industry as well. Games are often and largely centralized systems, with all assets, history, data, and the game currency never leaving the original game.

As a result, the developers retain all property rights. In turn, blockchain delivers full decentralization, particularly when it comes to asset exchange. Items gained or purchased in one game can be sold and used in another; the player is always the true owner of the digital asset, and can even profit by reselling the same thing in several gaming universes; this valuable ownership is allowed through smart contracts.

Ownership of the digital object is automatically handed to the player when a preset criteria inside the game is met (such as purchasing the asset or reaching a specific level). Immutable transactions are also made possible by blockchain. This means that gamers' purchases and asset ownership information can't be changed, updated, or removed. Another benefit of the blockchain, and something that modern games lack, is transparency.

To fulfill tasks, players must purchase a variety of resources, including equipment, cars, swords, tanks, and weapons - the list is as diverse as the game itself. Many goods are classified as rare and have a high price tag. But how can you check an item's rarity and make sure it's really worth the money? In this regard, blockchain has an advantage over the competition.

Most importantly, blockchain enables for the tokenization of game assets and the construction of decentralized markets. Because the ledger is available to the public, it is possible to track information about a specific object as well as the purchasing and selling process. As a result, the transparency given by blockchain boosts gamers' trust and aids them in ensuring that they are in possession of an original and uncommon object. Last but not least, on-chain transactions provide greater data and payment security. This is accomplished through the use of sophisticated cryptography, smart contracts, and blockchain technology.

Challenges in the GameFi Industry

GameFi is a new concept in the blockchain world that efficiently combines apps, collecting, and decentralized financial activities by utilizing NFTs. It enables players to simultaneously play and earn.

When compared to typical traditional games, GameFi places a greater emphasis on the concept of assets and the creativity involved in asset empowerment, circulation, and application (mainly nonhomogeneous assets NFT).

For years, blockchain and cryptocurrency have been a hot discussion and polarized. There have been several successful pilots, projects, and use cases. But what's holding back blockchain's widespread use in games? There are several aspects to consider.

According to Statista, around 2.3 billion people play games on different platforms and devices, creating a gaming industry that in 2016 reached $100 billion and continues to boom. Only 4,000 pro gamers made a profit from the time and skill they spent gaming, including trading in-game items they accumulated. Just a couple of games accumulating only 6% of the global audience made a turnover of $4 billion of in-game items.

The rest of the gamers are out of the market for two main reasons:

· Little to no games have a reward system in return

· There is no GameFi streaming infrastructure for monetization to reach the desired goal in terms of pay-outs.

The growth of the gaming audience has amplified this situation. Owing to the continued growth of the gaming audience with no innovative project to attend to these limitations, Metastream came to be: -a platform that combines the best of Entertainment & DeFi to connect gamers, GameFi projects, and Guilds by streaming.

Metastream is a blockchain-based project that aims to address the challenges plaguing the GameFi industry by introducing a Streaming platform for live streaming of games, organizing tournaments, and creating an innovative, long-term, sustainable economy for players.


Aside from the difficulties highlighted above, another key issue plaguing the sector is the exorbitant transaction and platform costs. Most gaming projects are housed on the Ethereum blockchain; however, due to scalability concerns, it causes congestion and, as a result, extremely high network fees. This results in a barrier for many people to partake in gaming.


E-Sports is the umbrella term for professional competitive gaming, and it is fast sweeping the globe. The sector has grown to be worth billions of dollars and is only expected to continue to grow. In 2020, the market was worth more than $1 billion, and by 2023, it is estimated to be worth $1.6 billion.

A player must often acquire a good reputation and become known as an established gamer with a huge following or gaming experience in order to join an eSports team. They'll need a vast network of gamers to make agreements for these competitions. As a result of this, many are limited to partake in tournaments.

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